Welcome to AYAMA YOGA

Hey gang!

Welcome to AYAMA, thanks for stopping by!

Let me tell you the story of how Ayama happened, it goes a little something like this...

I remember walking Cronulla Esplanade years back talking to a friend about doing my yoga teacher training (I was having a mid life crisis at 18, unhappy with my job and wanting to do something new!) I remember saying that I wanted to eventually create my own space, that could be safe space for like minded people to come together and just be! Whether it was a yoga class, a meditation, a satsung (talk) or just hanging out in a soul circle. 

I then went through the whole argument with myself that I couldn't, I wasn't experienced enough, I wasn't old enough, I wasn't 'this' enough, I wasn't 'that' enough. You get the idea. So I told myself to give it up and re visit it in 10 years when apparently I thought I would be all of those things.

Flash forward to when I was 22 and I went to a manifesting workshop, which I had no idea would change my life. When asked what we wanted to manifest in our lives, most girls said a relationship, a new job, a new car, their dream wedding. I actually realised I didn't even know why I was there, I kinda just went. I was in a pretty good place in my life at the time, I had great friends, I loved my job and my car! So I went absolutely ridiculous, I had always wanted to go to India, it seemed so foreign, ridiculously far out of my comfort zone, so much so it kind of scared me. So I blurted out I want to go to India. For the next hour and a half we learnt about how to manifest and the law of attraction. We spoke about our plans like they were happening, like they were already a thing. I have to be honest, I was skeptical but it was fun! It was fun to get carried away with these crazy plans that lit us all up! We were so excited for each other, for the new job someone had, for the new love another had found, for the perfect wedding that had been booked, for my crazy India trip!

So from then on, I spoke about India like I had already booked the ticket, people thought I was nuts. My family definitely couldn't comprehend it and I'm sure mum nearly had a heart attack when I announced I was going to India! (note: I had no idea when this trip was happening/if it was ever going to happen)

I went to a satsung (talk) just after returning from Bali in March 2016 and the person running it just so happened to be a monk from India, who was holding a retreat later that year. I enquired about it and it snow balled from there. It was all too easy! Everything fell into place. Flights were on sale for the exact time I was going, my tax return was the exact amount I needed for the retreat (to the dollar!) I got the time off work, like I said, it was all too easy!

October 2016, bags all packed, a belly full of butterflies and a travel buddy who I hardly knew but would soon become a very dear friend of mine, it was India time! As I walked on the plane I had a pinch me moment. I couldn't believe I was really about to do this! How had I created this? 


I fell in love almost instantly with India, just as I knew I would. I had never felt more at home, away from home until we got to Badrinath. If you ever get the chance in this life time, go! No photos could ever capture the magic that is there. After coming from Rishikesh (the home of Yoga) and spending 2 weeks learning about the philosophy of Yoga, I decided whilst walking into town that I would return again, stay for longer and finally do my Yoga teacher training. 

Flashforward again to October 2017, my bags again packed, a new travel buddy and giddy with excitment to return. A whole lot of hours later, we landed in Delhi! Immediately I was home again. I spent the first month of my trip travelling around, hiking mountains, visiting temples, bathing in the Ganges. What a dream!

November 1st rolled around, 1 month, 200 hours and a whole lot of chaturanga in front of me, it was go time!

My month of yoga training  was the most challenging thing I've ever done, also the most rewarding. My body ached but its funny what you can do when the mind decides it will. My teachers were tough but made me want to work harder than I ever have!


Every morning we had a Pranayama class in which we learnt different breathing techniques, cleansing techniques and was just an over all great way to start your day! 

Prana | Life force/life energy

Ayama | Expansion/extension

Together Pranayama can be translated as the practice to expanding and extending life energy.

Hence Ayama was born shortly after returning home.

I am beyond excited to share my love of yoga and its ancient philosophy. I can't wait to see where this journey leads and I hope you'll join me!

