
I've been thinking lately about a phrase my Nanna used to tell me when I would complain about her parking in the furthest possible spot from wherever we were going (generally grocery shopping)

"A walk is as good for the sole as it is for the soul" she would say.

At 8 years old, lemme tell you, I just didn't wanna go food shopping, regardless how good she tried to convince me it was.

But I've been pondering this lately (anyone else a 2am thinker when you know your alarm is set for 5am?) 

So I started researching how on earth do the two possibly go together?

Well my dear friends, here's what I found! 

When you walk barefoot on the earth the negative ions found in the earth can help balance the positive ions in your body improving your overall health.

Most of us have heard of pressure points in the foot, by walking barefoot on the earth this activates certain acupuncture points in the foot energising our body and improving the nervous system. By improving the nervous system we in turn improve the blood circulation in the body and in doing so we strengthen the cardiovascular system (that good old ticker of ours!) 

There is a certain pressure point in the foot that connects with the nerves in the eye so by walking barefoot we are activating this pressure point which helps improve our eyesight too! 

Our feet hold the highest concentration of sensory neurons with over 200,000. These are constantly sending back essential information to the brain about our body's position and posture. Combined with our eyesight and balance receptors in our ears, our feet make up a part of a pretty sophisticated network that helps us navigate our way through all kinds of terrains! 

So not only are we strengthening our feet and ankles, there are also all these hidden health benefits! 

I myself am guilty of not spending enough time barefoot. So this week my goal is just 15 mins a day, barefoot, soles on the earth!


