My New Years resolution for you...

*This one is going to get really, real and does contain some explicit language, sorry Mum!*

I know, I know! I normally run a thousand miles in the opposite direction of new year resolutions and I’ll be the very first person to tell you that you don’t need to be a ‘new you’ in the new year! So stay with me on this one! Promise?

My New Years resolution for you is to allow your soul to feel safe.

Wherever that may be, with whoever that may be with!

What on earth does that exactly mean?

Well! Over the past year I’ve spent a good part of my energy finding people and places that I feel 100% safe with being myself, in all forms that it takes. Personally, professionally, in friendships and in relationships.

Over the past year I have stopped shrinking and watering myself down so that others will feel comfortable because for the longest time I wanted to make everyone else feel comfortable around me. I started saying no to people and invitations that I didn’t really want to accept. I lost a few friends and ruffled a few feathers and for a hot minute I almost reverted to old ways just to keep the peace.


I knew I could not do what I do and not practice what I preach every single day in my classes.

So I started carefully figuring out exactly where and with who my soul felt safe with and in the beginning I won’t lie, it was terrifying! Vulnerability is one of, if not THE hardest thing to do.

I stuck to it and - for lack of a better word - the COOLEST thing happened!

I started connecting with old friends in new ways, I started connecting with new people in the most authentic way and I culled the bullshit in between


Lets unpack that real quick - I’m not sure if its an “I’m getting older” thing but I simply cannot do the BS anymore and neither should you! I remind you in every class that your time is precious and step 1 of allowing your soul to feel safe is to cut out the BS! YOU DON’T NEED IT!

I get the absolute pleasure of chatting to so many of you each week; either before/after class, over coffee or just via social media. So many of you come to me to talk, download, vent or just to be heard! In an average week I will speak to about 10-15 students in depth about something that they are struggling with and I can honestly tell you 95% of the things people talk to me about could be solved if their soul felt safe. Thats an awful lot of souls not feeling safe out there!

“My friends don’t support this new path I’m taking but I don’t want to say anything and lose them all together.”

“My family judges me with all this ‘hippie’ stuff.”

“People tell me I’m ‘too much.’”

These are just a few of the conversations I have with people. That last one made me cry.

If people are telling you, you’re too much, remove yourself from that situation. Never, NEVER be okay with surrounding yourself with people who tell you that you’re ‘too much’.

I try to remind you all that at any time that the studio is open and you are always safe to be exactly what your soul needs to be at that point in time.

So my New Years resolution, should you choose to accept is to be incredibly assertive and mindful of who and what you surround yourself with. Ask yourself, does my soul feel safe here/with you? If the answer is no or even maybe, start re-arranging accordingly!

Wishing you an absolutely smashing 2020 gang! May it be abundant in love, health, happiness and magical moments of every kind!

