2018 | a love letter

Dear 2018, 

You started much the same as any other year. On January first but you would soon show me that you were nothing like any of my other 24 laps around the sun.  

I learnt to be careful what I wish for because I just might get it. Infact 2018, you were insanely kind to me. Kinder than I could ever have imagined. You delivered everything I set out for and then a whole lot more! 

I was half joking when I said I wanted to start a yoga studio but you weren’t. I was half joking when I said I wanted to quit my full time job and work for myself but you weren’t. And I was about 3/4 sure I was absolutely dreaming when I said I wanted to take a 3 week international holiday when in the first year of business but you showed me that absolutely anything is possible.  

I think you threw almost every challenge at me. Both professionally and personally. 

You challenged me to work harder than I ever thought I could. You challenged me to be stronger than I have ever been. You challenged me to trust my gut and to just jump time and time again when I had no idea where I was going to land. You challenged me to push my body to its limits (sleep deprivation is no joke y’all) You challenged me to be wise how and with who I spent my time. You challenged me to become the happiest version of myself. 

You taught me to say yes to every opportunity.

You showed me that in 365 days I could completely change my life. 

You introduced incredible souls into my days so I didn’t have to do any of it alone, infact I could not have done this year without the help that I have had. I see a small business as a child and it’s true when they say it takes a village.

That brings me to each and every student that has stepped foot in the studio. 

At the end of every one of my classes I ask you to thank yourself for showing up for your practice and I thank YOU for sharing your time with me because I know it’s precious. In this lifetime we can get more of nearly everything. Except time. So those hours that you choose to spend at the studio, know that I am eternally grateful for you doing so.  

I’ve nearly completed my 24th lap around the sun and as 2018 comes to an end I could not be more grateful for where I am and how I get to spend my time. 

So 2018, it is with an insanely grateful heart, I say thank you.  

2019, I cannot wait to see what you have in store.  

Yogis,  I thank you infinitely for your support. I have H U G E plans for Ayama in 2019 and I cannot wait to have you along for the ride! 


From my heart to yours;

